
Here at DU, history majors and minors examine civilizations across time and space. 通过课程, community-engaged learning opportunities, 出国留学, 实习和研究项目, students examine how historical forces construct our world—and how the past continues to shape the future.

Studying history prepares you for careers in areas as diverse as law, 政府, 新闻, 公共关系, 医学, 出版, 技术, 商业及其他. We help you develop skills in critical thinking, 观察和解释方法, 解决问题, 数据收集, 组织与分析. Small class sizes and a focus on undergraduate students mean that you will work closely with our faculty, who are active scholars and thought leaders in their fields.

“在MG线上电子游戏历史系, you will be surrounded and inspired by brilliant professors that will push you to ask the important and difficult questions about our world and your role in it."

亚里士多德约翰 2018年历史专业

"Working through the senior capstone project has been the most rigorous but ultimately the most rewarding experience of my educational career. I have had the unique opportunity to wrestle with one topic for over a year and to watch my project change (for the better) on a near-daily basis."

茶业古铁雷斯 2018年历史专业

"The history department faculty care deeply about their students achieving intellectually and professionally. Individualized guidance and advising provided by the history faculty gave me the tools to set my own course and build a personalized and enriching academic curriculum. 最重要的是, the faculty helped me leverage my academic achievements to access diverse career opportunities."

海登约翰逊 2015年历史专业


Majors engage with many historical fields—from cultural, political and environmental history to histories of food, 医学及其他. The BA in history culminates in a capstone project, empowering you to take a deep dive into a research topic that you are passionate about. Many of our students choose to pair history with a second major, 比如国际研究, 社会法律研究或文学.



The minor in history complements numerous majors, 包括政治科学, 国际研究, 新闻, 社会学和许多其他学科. Studying history allows you to gain new perspectives of the world across time and place.



通过教师指导, 社区参与学习课程, capstone projects and conference presentations, the 历史系 at DU offers unique opportunities to develop professional research experience that you can apply across various careers.



万物皆有历史. Studying history at DU means connecting past, present and future to broaden your understanding of human experience. Our active faculty mentors bring their diverse interests into the classroom, tying historical study to current research in today’s global world. 独一无二的部门产品, 比如退伍军人遗产计划, connect faculty and community resources to students’ own interests, providing opportunities to apply historical study to the public good.

background image of top of DU building framed by blue sky

Support Undergraduate and Faculty 研究的机会 Across Time and Place.








DU graduate Katie Bokenkamp recently completed two honors theses, one in history and one in Italian. Our 出国留学 programs enhanced both of her achievements. Bokenkamp is thankful for the many opportunities she had to follow her curiosity. Her advice to other DU students is simple: 给 yourself permission to explore.


DU Associate Professor of 历史 伊丽莎白Escobedo
Q&答:种族 & 美国的移民

Ahead of her Livingston Live Webinar on October 22, 2020, 伊丽莎白Escobedo, 历史学副教授, answered some questions on the history of immigration and race in the U.S. Escobedo specializes in 20th century Mexican-American history and is the director of diversity, CAHSS的公平和包容. She oversees the Casa de Paz Learning Community and the Critical Race & 民族研究辅修课程. 


photo of cemetery with person carrying flowers
Students Share the Stories—and Legacies—of Departed Veterans

自2018年成立以来, DU’s Veteran's Legacy Program has commemorated more than 70 veterans buried at Fort Logan in its “不仅仅是一块墓碑”(MTAH)项目. It’s a number that is sure to keep growing: a new grant will keep the program going for a third year and allow the VLP to expand its outreach.
